A transfer is a document registered in the Registrar's Office (Land Titles) acknowledging the change of ownership of a property, to be noted on the Certificate of Title. “Transfer” means the passing of any estate or interest in land under the LTA whether for valuable consideration or otherwise. On the registration of the transfer, the interest in land described in the transfer passes to the transferee.


Transfer forms are available from the Registrar General's Office. Alternatively, legal practitioners and financial institutions may elect to prepare their own forms subject to approval by the Registrar General. A transfer should be lodged for registration in person at the Registrar General's Office. Lodgement will not be accepted unless:

joint tenants

tenancy in common


Date of settlement is important as it is the date from which responsibility for the rates account transfers. This date is required as the Transfer is now the principal way in which the relevant authorities are advised of the details of a change of property ownership.