SKETCH - URBAN- valuation

A sketch on the other hand is an informal plan of the building, site or land and is the diagram most used by valuers.

It is not necessary for the valuer to make the sketch as accurate as that for a plan prepared by a surveyor. For example, approximate areas only are required for the valuation of a house. An informal sketch of a site or land is sometimes called a "mud sketch". All urban valuations should include at least site and building plans at a suitable scale to fit on an A4 page. A house sketch should be at a scale of about 1:100.

See example of a house sketch suitable for valuation purposes. Scale 1:100.


A locality sketch or map is most useful to aid the broader definition of locality and can be used to show the location of macrofactors such as a nearby shopping centre. The locality sketch is most useful for finding rural properties. The number of small scale maps and sketches used to locate the property will depend on the needs of the client. For example, an overseas client will require a map showing where the subject city or town is in Australia.

Typical locality map requirements are as follows:

Location of country
Location of state
Location of city or town Location of town
Location of suburb  Location of suburb
Location in street  Location in street
Site plan Site plan

The scale of the site plan will vary according to the size of the subject property however, the scale for a typical suburban site plan is 1:500 or 1:1000. If a scale plan is reduced or enlarged on a photocopier so that the new scale is not known, a note to that effect should be shown on the altered plan and the old scale deleted.

The valuer should also identify the buildings within the boundaries looking particularly for signs of encroachment. Is there appears to be encroachment from either side, the valuer should make his/her report subject to a satisfactory identification survey report.