Spearpoint Saltbush (Atriplex acutibractea)
Grey-mealy shrub to 5Ocms; stiff, tangled branches. Leaves flat and oval, 1-2cms long and shallowly toothed. Flowers clustered between leaf and stem. Leafy fruit with a hard, swollen tube and 2 small, erect teeth. Moderately common as small, widely scattered individuals on various soil types. Flowers mainly July to October, Useful forage.

Fan Saltbush (Atriplex angulata)
Grey-mealy shrub to 3Ocms; brittle, woody stems. Leaves alternate, 1.5 ­3cms long. Flowers clustered between leaf and stem. Fruit flattened and fan shaped. Widely distributed and locally common on various soil types. Flowers mainly July to October. Useful forage.

Bladder Saltbush (Atriplex vesicaria)
Shrub to 70 cms high and wide; brittle, woody stems. Leaves powdery with salt, 1 - 2.5cms long. Flowers in dense spikes or singularly between leaf and stem. Fruit 2 leafy bracts with puffy bladders. Widespread and very common on various soil types. Flowers mainly Spring and Summer. Good drought forage, but sensitive to over-grazing.

Thorny Saltbush (Rhagodia spinescens)
Shrub to 1.5 metres; branches rigid, older branches ending in a spine. Leaves 5-1Omm long, tapering to a conspicuous point. Flowers in spikes or short clusters at tips of branches. Fruit a deep-red berry. Widespread and fairly common on loarns and clays. Flowers mainly Spring and Summer. Good drought forage. Larger bushes may harbour rabbits, but are valuable seed sources.