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Residential land lease community operators 

All land lease communities are covered by the Residential (Land Lease) Communities Act 2013. Previously they came under the Residential Parks Act 1998. To view and download the forms and mandatory publications for residential land lease communities, visit the Forms section of our website.

This section provides detailed information for those who operate a land lease community about the laws in NSW that apply to the beginning, middle and end of an agreement with a resident.

Starting an agreement
During an agreement
Ending an agreement
Education for new operators

Note: Different laws apply to tenants who are renting a home from the operator or another person in a land lease community

Register of land lease communities

The residential land lease communities register lists all land lease communities registered with NSW Fair Trading. The register records any disciplinary or enforcement action taken by NSW Fair Trading against a community operator. Prospective residents can use the register to search for specific communities or to identify communities in a certain post code or local government area.

To search for a land lease community, go to the Accommodation Registers Page.


Last Updated: 01 December 2015   
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This information must not be relied on as legal advice. For more information about this topic, refer to the appropriate legislation.

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