Controls over privacy come under the privacy Act 1988 (Cth). The following is an example of a privacy policy suitable for valuation firms:

XYZ Valuers and its licensees ("XYZ" or "we") recognise the importance of your privacy. We are committed to treating all of your personal information in our possession as "Confidential" and guarding it accordingly.


We only collect information about yourself from a third party, acting on your behalf or directly from yourself   in writing or verbally. This information is necessary for XYZ to provide you with our services. Information includes your name, company name, address, telephone number, facsimile number, mobile number and email address.



In response to your request for our valuation, property management, property consulting, research, leasing or selling agency services, XYZ shall only disclose resultant information specifically and limited to the following entities:


XYZ shall not disclose to third parties without your permission any personally identifiable information you may provide, subject to the following exceptions:

In providing our services we collate not only contact information but also data on particular properties upon which we are consulting . All contact information and data is held subject to the highest possible levels of confidentiality. Furthermore, we are mindful of probity protocol is retaining contact and property information on behalf of clients


Each employee signs an employment agreement, which stipulates that he/she must treat all information regarding XYZ and its clients' business and affairs with the strictest secrecy, and disclose information only when disclosure is required by law.


All information held for various contact or property consultancy services provided by XYZ is stored electronically. Furthermore, all documents are then stored as hard copy is the premises, which are security alarmed and locked. This information is then available to our professional services staff and administrative staff members at XYZ and all its licensees.


All email is accessible within XYZ and its associated licensees by authorised users only. Passwords are used and limits are placed on the size of email transmissions and file attachments. Directors of the firm and directors authorised representatives only are empowered to transmit file attachments with email. Emails are checked for virus prior to receipt or transmission and procedures are undertaken by the IT administrator to ensure validity of information leaving the company.