Valuer's file for any valuation report using the PropertyPro
"Residential Valuation and Security Assessment" Pro forma
could be expected as a good practice to contain:
- copy of instructions
- copy of the report
- copy of any documents provided by the client, its
solicitor or the borrower.
- copy of any block, subdivision or strata plans relied upon.
- copy of valuer's inspection notes for the subject property
- a plan of the main buildings, (preferably drawn to scale using
graph paper) showing external and internal walls and recording external
wall dimensions. While the plan could also show approximate positions
of door and window openings, positions of fixed cupboards, PC items and
special fittings, the valuer's recording system may use other
appropriate means of recording this detail. (Where a floor plan is
provided, the Valuer should conduct sufficient check measurements and
observations to verify that the building has been built to plan, or if
not, what variations have occurred. Variations should be noted in the
report. If the building plan states areas, it would be appropriate for
the valuer to check these by calculation). Building areas required in
the report are to be based on measurement and calculation.
- adequate notes to record any necessary detail
beyond that required in the report covering construction of the main
building, its quality, finishes, condition and any essential repairs,
- adequate notes of ancillary
- copy of Valuer's inquiry sheet if
adequately recording any additional research information obtained and
preferably from whom and/or where,
- print of photo (or photocopy of original),
- copy of Valuer's work sheet referencing the sales data relied
upon, any adjustments or calculations made and reconciliation of the
methods of valuation used in carrying out the assessment(s). Where a
TBE/ExtensionlRenovation is involved, calculations for the Check
Costing should also be on file.
- copy of any special document relied on that the Valuer
considers relates to the property specifically rather than properties
in general.