The presentation consists of necessary data and documents that agents use to present themselves to the seller and other important pieces of information. We have already covered how the agent needs to find out the seller’s motives, needs, concerns and desires however, for the agent to ensure a successful presentation needs to find out more. The type of presentation can be considered under 3 property classes:

1. Presentation for small properties
Generally, the presentation for the small hobby farm will be the same as for an urban house as the sellers have similar needs and want, probably work in the town and are not dependent on the hobby farm for a living.
For small properties such as hobby farms the agent will find that married couples will own the farm jointly, that is, each party is a joint owner and therefore, each is the seller. The hobby farm may be an investment company or partnership but here again, the most likely shareholders are a husband and wife. The agent cannot obtain a listing and cannot sell the house without the permission of BOTH joint owners.
Upon interview and property inspection the agent should have a good idea about which owner is the decision maker or whether both owners are jointly decision makers.
The reason why you need to know the decision maker(s) is that on presentation you can expect questions from that person or persons. By judging their personality types (eg “sticklers for detail”) you can make sure you have the answers to the questions you expect.
However, do not make the mistake of prejudging the decision maker. Although one party may appear to be the leader when you are present, the other party may exert greater influence after you leasve. Therefore, it is important that during your presentation you address ALL parties and people present. Even Uncle Joe, with no interest in the property, sitting at the rear and saying nothing during the presentation may be the sage and adviser the owners turn to, as soon as you leave!

2. Presentation for medium sized properties
As we move further out of town to medium sized properties the agent will find decision quite different to the simple decision makers encountered by for the hobby farm. Very often the ownership is in the name of a family company so that the ultimate decision makers are the shareholders. For some family companies encountered by the rural agent this could include an extended family of a dozen or more. In this situation it may be impossible to determine the decision maker(s) and therefore, the agent must be doubly sure that all parties are being addressed.
In this situation you may have to make a number of presentations at the homes of the extended families. Although you should make sure that you present the same information at each, you may have learnt some material fact or piece of information at the first presentation allowing you to improve the next presentation.

3. Presentation for large remote properties
As we noted in learning outcome 1 there is a large range of possible rural properties starting with the small hobby farms near the town or city and ending with a large pastoral holdings in the Western Division.
As you move out into larger and efficient farming units the decision making is more business and investment oriented and the agent is presenting to companies and partnerships. Shareholders and partners may not be present for a personal presentation and therefore, the agent should be prepared to communicate with non present owners by either mailing or e mailing relevant material and inviting those parties to contact the agent if they need any further information. In extreme cases you may have to present by way of video conferencing.
The use of modern communication systems such as email and being able to refer the owner to you firm’s web page could be the deciding factor for the owners choosing you over a rival agent. The use of modern technology shows professionalism!
When dealing with company or partnership decision makers there is also a strong possibility that the company or partnership may refer the decision to their farm managers. These will be professional people well versed in rural economics looking at maximising profits and benefits of their clients. In this case you will be asked a number of questions on costs of selling and benefits to the owners of different sale options. The agent must be armed with facts and figures to satisfy such decision makers.