Some home loans may have special features such as mortgage offset accounts which help you to reduce the amount of interest paid on your loan. Not all home loans have these features. You should ask what features are available, and whether they will cost you extra. You may also be able to transfer your loan from one property to another. Be careful! not every loan has these features. If you want anything other than standard features on your home loan make sure that you arrange it with your lender when you take out the loan. It may be too late after you have signed the loan contract.

See refinancing.


The Consumer Credit Code provides protection for consumers in certain circumstances. You should find out whether it helps you with your problem.

You should first try to resolve the matter directly with the lender. If you are unable to reach an agreement you may be able to refer the matter to an external dispute resolution body such as the Australian Banking Industry Ombudsman.

Ask your home loan lender for written information of any dispute resolution plan that applies.