electric heaters

Power authorities recommend that a typical insulated home needs approximately 130 watts/m2 of heating in living areas, and 100watts/m2 of bedroom. All installations must meet AS3000 and power authority electrical requirements.


heat pumps

heat storage


off peak in slab heating


Like the sun, heat people, objects and surfaces within the room which, in turn, heat the air. There are several types of radiant heaters:

CONVECTION HEATERS (space heaters)

Convection heaters gradually heat the air in a room from the ground up. As the warm air rises it circulates throughout the room, evenly distributing heat. These heaters are quiet, have enclosed elements, built in thermostats and timers allowing you to heat your home as required. Convection heaters can be plugged directly into a power point or wired in as a permanent fixture.


All forms of heating should be controlled by a thermostat allowing you to set the temperature to your needs. As the temperature drops below the desired level the thermostat will automatically turn the heater back on.

Correct use of the thermostat prevents overheating and saves on operating costs. As a guide, living areas should be set for 18°C during the day, and a more comfortable 20°C to 21°C in the evening. Adjusting the temperature one degree up or down will increase or decrease your energy bill by around 10%. Putting on an extra layer of clothing instead of turning the temperature up a few degrees will save a significant amount on your bills.