Dual licensing 2021

Fair Trading has made changes to help agents become qualified to work as both real estate and stock and station agents, or to become accredited as auctioneers. The changes have been made in response to feedback on the real estate and property industry reforms that started on 23 March 2020, including the new Property and Stock Agents (Qualifications) Order 2019.

New pathways for dual licences
We are making it easier for experienced licensees to become dual class 1 or class 2 licensees in both real estate and stock and station. Once qualified, an agent can now work across both licence categories without completing further work experience as an assistant agent.

​​​​​​The changes that started on 16 April 2021 apply to: 

  • Class 2 licensees in either real estate or stock and station - You can become a dual class 2 licensee if you have:

  • held the class 2 licence for 12 months before applying for the dual licence, and

    completed extra educational qualifications.

    Class 1 licensees in either real estate or stock and station - You can become a dual class 1 licensee if you have:

  • held the class 1 licence for 12 months before applying for the dual licence, and

    completed extra educational qualifications.

    Holders of both real estate and stock and station class 2 licences - You can now upgrade to a class 1 dual licence if you have:

  • held both licences for at least two years, and

    satisfied relevant qualification and work experience requirements.

    Holders of both real estate and stock and station class 1 licences – You can now consolidate licences as a class 1 dual licence if you have:

    held both licences within the 12 months before applying for the dual licence.

​​​​​​​Recognition of previous auctioneer training units
The previous versions of the auctioneer accreditation courses being taught until 30 September 2021 are now recognised under the Qualifications Order. This will help licensees who have completed those training units before 30 September 2021 to qualify as an auctioneer without having to complete the new units of study. 

These changes started on 16 April 2021. Visit the Fair Trading
Recent Property Reforms page or Qualifications page for more information, including the auctioneer courses now recognised. 

Access the amended Qualifications Order on the
NSW Legislation website.