dionart - art prints of historical buldings and site

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Modern australian art prints

The old St Pauls church at Castle Hill

circa 1850s

Saint Paul's church Castle Hill
with black border

Country show

Usually the highlight of the year
in country town NSW

Country show
with black border


Barrenjoey lighthouse

Historic lighthouse on the northern
headland of Pittwater and the Hawkesbury River
Built in 1881 from sandstone quarried on the site

Barrenjoey lighthouse
with black border

Bay window

When I first came to Sydney I stayed at
a 1920s Art deco house in Chatswood

Typicamly they had ba{ windows

This was mq bay window tïguther ith
 as a young man!
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Bay window with
black border

Blues point tower

Harry Seidler's iconic apartment building at Blues Point

Built in1962 it was the first strata title building in Sydney
With spectacular views of Sydney Harbour
a building of this size in such a prominent
position could not be built today.

Don't believe the naysayers, this is a very attractive
building and should be on wall of every house in Australia

Blues Point tower
with black border

Boats on dam

Time lapse art covering the kids playing with boats
on the dam between 2 to 5 in the afternoon

Despite the onset of inclement weather, the number
of boats and kids increased over that period

Boats on the dam
with black border

Bowaters Rozelle

Industrial landscape
looking towards the city

with black border

Sydney's CBD 1

Add some colour to the CBD!
Why not?

with black border

Central station clock tower

Iconic to central Sydney is the Central Railway
Station clock tower lauding over Railway Square

Added to Central Station in 1921, the 85-metre Clock
Tower in the Free Classical style was part
of an expansion to Central Station by its
original designer, NSW Government Architect,
Walter Liberty Vernon.

Central railway station
clock tower with black border


Can be quite stressful as shown in this picture
A must for chess fanatics

with black border

Country kitchen

My wife's family farmhouse
With intricate detail at no extra cost

Country kitchen
with black border

Empress of Australia

Ships and ferries are so functional -
nothing is useless or wasted.

Built in Australia it started the Sydney
to Tasmania run in 1965

At that time the largest passenger
ferry in the world

There's beauty in functionality
and the Wabi crack

Empress of Australia
with black border

A fine romance 1

Lester Ralph was the Norman Rockwell of
"feel good" art in the early 20thC

Born in 1877 he travelled well and studied art in
a number of European cities including London.

These 12 paintings are called "a fine romance"
covering friendship, engagement, marriage
and of course their first child

Dated 1916-1918

They were chums at school

They are partners at his college dance

They spend long afternoons at the river

She wears his ring

A fine romance 2

He takes her to the opera

They plight their troth

The day of days - they are married

The honeymoon amongst the hills

A fine romance 3

They settle in their new home

They prepare for the big event

The baby draws them closer

Their cup of happiness is full

The trio in A2 for $100


Fishing boat

Something whimsical after the
Swiss-German artist Paul Klee

Fishing boat
with black border

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Five bells

My take on Kenneth Slessor's
famous poem written in 1939

The definitive version is John Olsen's
  (1963) in the foyer of the Opera House.

Flag city

Inspired by my daughter's lego
flag city is the same lego
structure from four
different perspectives

Some wabi at no extra cost

Flag city
with black border

Garden of eden

People keep asking me
"what did the garden of eden look like?"

Thought the best answer was
to paint the garden of eden for
everybody to see


Garden of eden
with black border

Georgia in farm kitchen
Plenty of wabi hereComplete with a
Canberra wood fuel stove

Georgia in farm kitchen
with black border

Georgia under orange tree

The farm had the world's best orange
tree near the back door.

So we would juice them when in
season Happy days!

Georgia under orange tree
with black border

Grandad's steam engine

The kid's grandad grew up on the Moree wheatfields
His job as a child was to get up at 4am and
start the steam engines.

Therefore he was quite delighted when I told him I
had discovered an old steam engine still in use
at a timber mill near Uralla.

He immediately went out there and bought it
Towed it home with his tractor and set it
up for chaff cutting.

It was a Buffalo, a popular American brand
at the end of the 19th C.

I had to paint it for posterity

Grandad' steam engine
with black border

Luke in greenhouse

Luke in greenhouse

Martian running

People would ask me what does a
martian running look like?

So I prepared this very expensive diorama
to show what a martian running looks like

Martian running
with black border

Martians running

What's better than one martian running?
Two martians running!

Martians running
with black border

Outdoor furniture

Yep - those backyard table and chairs
have been neglected in art far too long!

Outdoor furniture
with black border

Palm beach

First beach in my northern beaches series
Barrenjoey lighthouse on the promontory

Palm beach
with black border

Pelican island

The kids enjoying the pelicans and
the island near The Entrance

Pelican island
with black border

Pueblo village

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Pueblo village
with black border

The sleeping qypsy

Time for some Henri Rousseau 1844-1910
A French naive painter who painted a
numberof topical and jungle scenes.

This is one of the great paintings of modern times
The desert is crackling with atmosphere

What will happen next?

Sleeping gypsy
with black border

Study window 1

My daughter put up a number of old cds
to scare birds away from the fruit

This is the view from the west facing study window

Study window
with black border

Sydney harbour

Sydney harbour before the developers took over
Full of interesting warehouses

Sydney harbour
with black border

Terrace house

I've always liked Cedric Flower's whimsical
take on Sydney terrace houses

Terrace house after Cedric Flower 1920-2000

Terrace house
with black border


Typewriters don't feature much in art
Yet this state of the art Facit was
king of typewriter design many
years ago

with black border

Verandah ornaments 1

When at the farm I went through a resin ornament phase

My front verandah was covered with all sorts of resin
ornaments - gee it looked good!

Verandah ornaments 1
with black border

Verandah ornaments 2

Verandah ornaments
with black border

Verandah ornaments 3

Verandah ornaments 3
with black border

Verandah ornaments 4

Verandah ornaments 4
with black border

Verandah ornaments 5

Verandah ornaments 5
with black border

All 5 verandah ornaments for $150:

with black borders:

Wiseman's Ferry 1

Wiseman's Ferry is an attractive village on the Hawkebury River
I spent some time there and got to know it well

You can just see the statue of Solomon in the centre

Fun thing to do!
Find the statue of Soloman

Wiseman's Ferry 1
with black border

Woman in greenhouse

Woman in greenhouse
with black border

Bilgola beach

Another in my northern beaches series
Interesting beach with an ocean pool
under dramatic red ciffs

The beach has a single sand bar cut
by two shifting beach rips and permanent rips
against the rock faces at each end

Bilgola beach
with black border

Bungan beach

A single bar runs the length of the beach
with two strong rips against the rocks
at either end

Two to three shifting rips
along the beach

Bungan beach
with black border

Carnaval - Rousseau

Time for another of Rousseau's
great naive paintings

Carnaval is full of atmosphere

See how important the small
black cloud is on the left

Take it away and the electrifying
atmosphere disappears!

with black border

Clare house - Oakville

Part of my series on historic buildings
in the Hawkesbury Shire

Built in 1828 and extended in 1835

Scarvell family were the original owners

Used as the Wonden Valley Hospital in the
TV series in the 1980s; A country Practice

Clare house
with black border

Curl curl beach

Another in my series of North Shire beaches
and one of Sydney's best surfing beaches

Surf averages 1.6m

Beach is 1.2 km long and is divided into
North Curl Curl and South Curl Curl
On the south is shown a great rock pool

Curl curl beach
with black border

Manly beach

Manly beach is a very popular tourist
destination as the old Manly ferry can
take you there.

Very pleasant walks north to Freshwater
and south to Shelly beach

The pine trees have become an iconic
symbol of Manly beach

Manly beach
with a black border

Narrabeen beach

Narrabeen beach is another great surfing and
swimming beach on the north shore

It is over 3km long stretching from Long Reef
on the south to Narrabeen lagoon on the north

There are four surf clubs along the beach

Narrabeen beach
with black border

Queenscliff beach

Situated at the northern end
of Manly beach - Queenscliff boasts
a popular ocean swimming pool

The buildings on the point enjoy
some of the best views in Sydney

Queenscliff beach
with black border

Settlers Inn - St Albans

The Settlers Inn hotel is situated on
the upper Macdonald river and is
one of the oldest hotels in the
Hawkesbury area

Great weekend destination for
lunches and parties

Settlers Inn
with black border

Sunshower over Shelly beach

The last in my northern beaches series is
Shelly beach, the southern most beach
on the north shore

An advantage of plein art is I was able
to capture a sunshower bursting over this
delightful beach

Sunshower over Shelly beach
with black border

Turimetta beach

Turimetta beach is a small 1km wide
embayment on the north shore of Sydney

The beach itself is 350m long bordered by the
30m high Narrabeen head on the south
(bottom of picture) 

Rock platforms and cliffs fill the
rest of the bay

Turimetta beach
with black border

Whale beach

Another in my series on North Shore beaches
Shows their grand surf club at the rear

Whale beach
with black border

Windsor court house 1821

Part of my series on historic buildings
in Hawkesbury shire

Windsor court house
with black border

Wiseman ferry 1

This is my definitive picture of Wiseman's ferry
Painted on a high rock on the mountain on the other side
I waited for the two ferries to cross

The river at the top is MacDonald river
flowing into the Hakesbury river

Wiseman's ferry
with black border

Wiseman's ferry - on the wild side 1

Add a bit of excitement and colour
to the  base Wiseman's ferry picture

Wieman's ferry on the wild side 1
with black border

Wiseman's ferry on the wild side 2

Wiseman's ferry on the wild side 2
with black border

Vision over top paddock


Vision over top paddock
withg black border

Ploughing top paddock

As you can see I was a little
obssessed with the top paddock

Ploughing the top paddock
with black border

Georgia at farmhouse

Georgia at farmhouse
with black border

Macquarie arms hotel Windsor

Australia's oldest hotel built in 1815 - the year white settlers
crossed the Blue Mountains.

Governor Macquarie gave Richard Fitzgerald a
large allotment in Thompson Square to build
immediately a "handsome and commodious inn
in brick or stone"

Macquarie arms hotel Windsor 1815
black border

Spirit of the 40s

Based on a Saturday Evening Post
advertisement fo the good life and
hope in the 194os

Plenty of Wabi in this one

Spirit of the 4os
with black border

