cattle 2006

Cattle farming occurs in all states and territories. While dairy cattle are restricted mainly to southern and coastal districts, beef cattle are concentrated in Queensland and New South Wales.

Cattle numbers in Australia increased slowly during the 1960s and 1970s, despite seasonal changes and heavy slaughterings, to a peak of 31.8 million in 1976. Beef cattle production is often combined with cropping, dairying and sheep. In the northern half of Australia, cattle properties and herd sizes are very large, pastures are generally unimproved, fodder crops are rare and beef is usually the only product. The industry is more intensive in the south, with higher stocking rates per hectare, improved pastures and use of fodder crops, use of rotational grazing practices and increased inputs such as fertiliser and animal health products.

Drought conditions in the early-1980s led to a decline in the beef herd until 1984. For the next five years the size of the herd remained relatively stable. Between 1989 and 1998 cattle numbers increased gradually, despite unfavourable weather conditions continuing in many parts of Australia. After a slight decline in 1999, cattle numbers increased to a high of 27.9 million in 2002. Dry conditions over much of the country in 2002-03 saw cattle numbers fall by 4% to 26.7 million. However, improved conditions in some regions resulted in numbers increasing by 3% to 27.5 million in 2003-04.

Table 14.31 shows the number of cattle by age, sex and purpose, and table 14.32 shows the number of cattle by state and territory. Map 14.33 shows the distribution of beef cattle in Australia at 30 June 2001.

14.31 CATTLE, By purpose - 30 June
1999(a) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
000 000 000 '000 '000 '000

Milk cattle
Cows (in milk and dry) 2,155 2,171 2,176 2,123 2,050 2,038
Other milk cattle 1,065 969 1,041 1,008 999 1,016
Total 3,220 3,140 3,217 3,131 3,049 3,055
Meat cattle
Bulls and bull calves used or intended for service 528 518 591 620 570 617
Other calves under one year 5,740 5,872 6,083 5,679 5,292 5,260
Cows and heifers one year and over 11,621 12,282 12,007 12,652 12,245 12,570
Other cattle one year and over 5,469 5,774 5,823 5,788 5,508 5,964
Total 23,358 24,448 24,504 24,739 23,615 24,410
Total 26,578 27,588 27,722 27,870 26,664 27,465

(a) At 31 March.

Source: Agricultural Commodities, Australia (7121.0).

14.32 CATTLE, By state and territory - 30 June
NSW Vic. Qld SA WA Tas. NT Aust.(a)
000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000

1999(b) 6,291 4,125 10,748 1,183 1,931 724 1,567 26,578
2000 5,970 4,264 11,808 1,184 2,165 617 1,571 27,588
2001 6,215 4,405 11,376 1,242 2,128 636 (c)1,707 27,722
2002 6,021 4,412 11,544 1,381 2,104 619 (c)1,777 27,870
2003 5,817 4,388 10,740 1,401 1,945 682 (c)1,683 26,664
2004 5,816 4,281 11,500 1,352 2,095 684 (d)1,730 27,465

(a) Includes ACT.
(b) At 31 March.
(c) Excludes dairy cattle.
(d) No dairy cattle were recorded in NT.

Source: Agricultural Commodities, Australia (7121.0).

BEEF CATTLE, Distribution - 30 June 2001(a)

(a) This map has been generated using Agricultural Census data at the Statistical Local Area level for 2000-01.

Source: AgStats on GSP (7117.0.30.001) CD-ROM product 1996-97 to 2000-01.

See cattle
