act property taxation

as at 2003




(1) For this Act, the unimproved value of a parcel of land held under a lease from the Commonwealth is the capital sum that might be expected to have been offered on the relevant date for the lease of the parcel of land, it being
(a) that the only improvements on or to the parcel of land were the
improvements (if any) by way of clearing, filling, grading, draining,
levelling or excavating—
(i) if the Territory or Commonwealth had, before that parcel of land became rateable as a separate parcel, granted a development lease of land that included that parcel of land—made by the lessee under that lease or by the Territory or Commonwealth, or the cost of which was borne by the lessee or by the Territory or Commonwealth; or
(ii) in any other case—made by the Territory or Commonwealth or
the cost of which was borne by the Territory or Commonwealth;
(b) that the circumstances that existed on the prescribed date also existed on the relevant date; and
(c) that, on the relevant date, the lease had an unexpired term of 99 years; and
(d) that the rent payable under the lease throughout the term of 99 years beginning on the relevant date was a nominal rent.
(2) The unimproved value of a parcel of land held in fee simple is the capital sum that might be expected to have been offered for the fee simple of the parcel of land at a bona fide sale on the relevant date on the reasonable terms and conditions that a bona fide seller would require, it being assumed that no improvements had been made on or to the land.
(3) In this section:
the prescribed date, in relation to a parcel of land, means—
(a) for a determination of the unimproved value of a parcel of land—
(i) 17 December 1970; or
(ii) the date the parcel of land became rateable;
whichever is the later; or
(b) for a redetermination of the unimproved value of a parcel of land under section 8—the date the instrument of redetermination was made under that section; or

  1. for a redetermination of the unimproved value of a parcel of land under section 10—the date of a notice under section 10 (1).

For the purposes of a determination or redetermination of the unimproved value of a parcel of rateable land, (being a parcel of land on or to which an improvement of a kind referred to in section 5 (1) (a) was made by a lessee referred to in section 5 (1) (a) (i)), that improvement shall, for this Act, be deemed to have been made only to the extent that the Territory or Commonwealth normally makes improvements of the same kind on or to a comparable parcel of land.


All land in the ACT, including Crown land, shall be rateable under this Act, except—
(a) commons, public parks and public reserves not held under lease or licence; and
(b) sites of cemeteries, public hospitals, benevolent institutions, and buildings used exclusively for public charitable purposes; and
(c) sites of churches and other buildings used exclusively for public worship, and free public libraries; and
(d) land leased from the Commonwealth that is occupied by, or used in connection with, a school that is registered or provisionally registered under the Education Act 1937, including a playground belonging to, or used in connection with, such a school; and
(e) Crown lands that are not leased and are unoccupied, other than land that, immediately before becoming unoccupied, was occupied by a lessee of the Territory or Commonwealth on a weekly or fortnightly tenancy.


If a parcel of land becomes rateable on or after a relevant date and before the next relevant date, the commissioner shall—
(a) determine the unimproved value of the parcel of land as at the firstmentioned relevant date; or
(b) determine the unimproved value of the parcel of land as at the relevant date last preceding the firstmentioned relevant date and redetermine the unimproved value of that parcel as at the firstmentioned relevant date;
as the case requires.


(1) The commissioner shall, as soon as practicable after 1 January 1991,
redetermine the unimproved value, as at that date, of all parcels of land in the ACT that were rateable on that date.
(2) The commissioner shall, as soon as practicable after 1 January in the
calendar year next following the calendar year of the last valuation or
revaluation, redetermine the unimproved value, as at that date, of all parcels of land in the ACT that were rateable on that date.